PT141-Max is a homeopathic amino acid related to Melanotan. It is an alternative to testosterone or Viagra used in both female and male sexual dysfunction and arousal. Indeed, in men who fail with Viagra, PT141-Max will firm erections in men. It also firms up the clitoris in women and allows improved sexual satisfaction in both sexes. It is also known to increase copulation in both sexes. PT-141-Max uses a difference mechanism than Viagra that reduces blood flow to the genitals. Thus, it is important as an alternative to Viagra when Viagra fails to provide a sexual response. However due to socio-cultural biases against women’s sexual health, PT141-Max has rarely been used. Other areas of use are treatment for early-onset obesity, inflammation, infection, and some kidney problems.
We offer homeopathic PT141-Max Sublingual Spray at a reduced wholesale price of 49.50 US dollars per bottle (Retail value = $89.99). 8ml bottle, 500IU liquid (60 sprays). Apply sublingually or topically for best effect.
Ingredients: distilled water, homeopathic micro-lipolysed protein PT-141.
It is contraindicated in people with uncontrolled high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.
The FDA has not evaluated these claims. No claims are made to correct or cure a disease. Problems caused by aging are not considered to be diseases. Instead, they are natural processes encountered during aging.