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7 Incredible Tips for Staying Young

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States? Young people have a lower risk of this happening to them, but those who are older can follow a few tips for staying young. Read on to find out about how you can stay looking and feeling young. 1. Consume More Healthy Fats Staying young is all about eating more fats, the healthy kind of course. Consuming more Omega-3 fatty acids can act as a mood stabilizer, help maintain bone strength, and reduce visible signs of aging. It does this by reducing inflammation in the body. You can find this healthy fat in foods like seeds, salmon, and walnuts. These foods can also help...

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9 Things You Didn't Know Oxytocin That Could Improve Health and Youthfulness

Oxytocin, often known as the 'love hormone', is crucial to maintaining many systems in the body. Here are 9 benefits of oxytocin you didn't know about! When people think of antiaging, they often think about products that make them appear younger. But, did you know that natural hormones and supplements can help? Youthfulness comes not only from the way you look but also the way you feel! The benefits of oxytocin can help you feel rejuvenated! Oxytocin Overview The human body produces oxytocin in the hypothalamus and secretes it from the pituitary gland. It duos as a complex hormone and neurotransmitter in the body. This crucial chemical compound assists with a number of functions that make life worth living! 9 Benefits...

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Using Exercise As Part Of Your Anti-Aging Program

If you are looking for a new way to keep your skin looking young, you should consider a workout routine. Here is the role of exercise in the anti-aging process. The anti-aging industry is huge. As of 2019, the industry that includes plastic surgery procedures and expensive treatments, and clocked in at $54.2 billion. But what do these treatments do? Are they really the best way to work on slowing the aging process, or anti-aging? The role of exercise in the aging process works on keeping you young from the inside out. Keeping your weight controlled, your skin clearer, and energizing your body are just a few ways that the role of exercise can contribute to your anti-aging process. We'll explore...

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Important Newsletter: “Age is Inevitable, Aging Is Not” DHEA, the Rejuvenating Molecule.  How Much Do You Have Left? By the NaturalsPro Staff For years, they called it names. A junk steroid, they sneered. They left it on the shelf. They said its only value was as a “mother” steroid---a pathway to testosterone and estradiol steroid synthesis.      But what a mother! DHEA just may be the Queen Mother of steroids that are manufactured by cholesterol in the body. DHEA is the mother of all steroids because it is the most common steroid in the human body. In addition, it is the mother to 18 different downstream molecules essential to ageless health. DHEA’s scientific name is dehydroepiandrosterone. It is produced by the adrenal glands,...

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