Benefits Of Sermorelin and Many Other Significant Anti-Aging Products--Now Available Wholesale
When people think about aging, they often think about products that can make them look younger. But did you know that natural supplements can help you be younger?
NaturalsPro offers natural supplements that signal your pituitary gland to produce human growth hormone (HGH). HGH and other hormones and peptides are essential for repairing our bodies and maintaining good health. Young people naturally have an abundance of hormones and peptides, but when aging kicks in at age thirty, the signs and symptoms of aging become apparent. In other words, when the production of hormones slows or stops, aging and poor health begin to impact us. How and why does this process occur?
After our mid-twenties, our pituitary glands gradually stop producing HGH. When the production of HGH and other endocrine-gland products (thyroid, testosterone, cortisol, DHEA) is slowed, we begin to age. Progressive loss of hormones and peptides will eventually cause us to become feeble, senile, and incapacitated. Here is an apt example: Imagine you see in the distance two men walking away from you.
Both men have the same height and hair color. One man is age fifty, and one man is age eighty. Which man is fifty, and which is eighty? Simple. The man with a normal gait is fifty, and the man with an impaired gait is eighty. Steadily decreasing and deficient peptides and hormones, such as HGH, testosterone, follistatin, and relaxin, account for an increasingly impaired gait. At age 110, no one can walk, and everyone is confined to a wheelchair. [a] The Gerontology Research Center, UCLA, Los Angeles and [b], Lippman 2019; Stay 40, Outskirts Press, Denver, CO.
Consider another example: Have you noticed that some people develop “crow’s feet” on the sides of their eyes starting in their forties or fifties? This is often a sign of aldosterone deficiency, and if you apply topical aldosterone (AldoMax) to the sides of the eyes and lips, crow’s feet will flatten and disappear in about a month. [b]
Or consider this example: Have you noticed the progressive graying of a person’s hair as they age? This is often a sign of a progressive loss of antioxidants such as glutathione and anti-free radical enzymes such as superoxide dismutase. Consuming N-acetyl carnosine or N-acetyl carnitine, and consuming glutathione powder (Breath Easy), will often help slow the hair-graying process. (a) Consuming N-acetyl carnitine has an additional benefit: It slows the oxidation of oils and fats in the body to smelly aldehydes such as nonenal. Nonenal is pungent and oily, and it causes that “old-people smell” often noticed in nursing homes. As a product of dysbiosis, we all start producing smelly nonenal after age 40.
At NaturalsPro, we have substances that will help slow your aging and help you appear and feel younger. We have HGH-releasing peptides, Releasing-Max and Serm-Max, that help tighten and firm your skin and muscles. These peptides are normally found in young people who naturally have high levels of them. These peptides are often deficient in people over the age of forty or fifty; thus, their skin begins to pale, and muscles begin to sag and shrink. According to Archives of Neurology, they may even improve brain function.
In 2012, scientists from the Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington Medical school, conducted a clinical study in older patients, average age sixty-eight, with mild cognitive impairment. When patients consumed 1 mgof HGH-releasing peptides daily, they found that verbal memory and executive function (mental control and self-regulation) improved, and body fat was reduced by 7.3 percent (P <. 001).
Save Your Brain and Body from Free Radical Attack!
Prominent scientists writing recently in the Journal of Neuroscience have revealed several new discoveries. The brain has its own clearing system separate from the body’s lymphatic system. This clearing system (glymphatic) only works when we’re sleeping. It uses glial cells on the brain’s surface to clean the cellular waste carried by a clear and watery cerebrospinal fluid (2). It’s interesting to note that during waking hours, only 5 percent of this glial cleaning system is active.
This glial or glymphatic system works as a parallel lymphatic system only for the enclosed and isolated brain. Glial cells work largely by maintaining homeostasis and protecting brain cells and neurons from free radical attack. Indeed, many years ago I tested and published research about the activity of human glial cells (3) in disarming the toxic superoxide anion radical in actively respiring glial cells. My unique findings indicated that the brain consumes daily pounds of oxygen that is converted into grams of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide and hydrogen peroxide (4). Glial cells use superoxide dismutase (SOD) to deactivate superoxide to ordinary water; they also use catalase (ACF228™), which deactivates hydrogen peroxide to water. (ACF228-Breathe Easy™).
Third, other scientists have discovered another phenomenon of brain waste disposal with the help of advanced microscopes and dyeing techniques. They found that the brain’s fluid space (called the ‘interstitial space’) exceeded 20 percent of total brain volume during nocturnal hours (see Figure 1a). This allows for the free flow of watery cerebrospinal fluid and waste products. This process also encourages ready disposal of ROS and the toxins that are deactivated and eliminated by enzymes and nutrients (ACF228™, SOD, and catalase). As previously mentioned, 95 percent of this activity occurs during restful REM and delta sleep, or under anesthesia. Scientists now know that in the brains of mice the volume of the interstitial space expands by one-third during sleep, and this encourages more than a doubling of cleaning and elimination of brain waste! Significantly, Dr. Nedergaard and his colleagues have surprisingly found that during waking hours almost no inflow of cerebrospinal fluid into the brain occurs.
ACF228™ and ACF228-Breathe Easy™ prevent free radical damage to essential parts of the body such as the brain. In addition, ACF228-Breathe Easy™ specifically prevents free radical attack on sensitive lung endothelial cells by coating them with ACF228 ingredients especially glutathione.
ACF228™ is available in a single box package for $39.95 including tax and shipping. (retail value= $49.95). Each box contains 30 capsules. ACF228-Breathe Easy™ is available in a single-tube package. Postage is free.
The Most Effective Digestive Aid Ever Invented
Digestif™ was specially formulated in Sweden at the Royal Institute of Technology for chronic digestive problems that may occur through bacteria contaminants or the consumption of junk food.
Digestif™ works more effectively than anything else available at the drug or health food stores. This is because it contains an ancient natural remedy called “mastic” that was known in ancient Greece 2,500 years ago to kill the bacteria (H. pylori) that was and is largely responsible for stomach ulcers. Second, Digestif™ contains a licorice extract, deglycyrrhizinated licorice that completely naturally soothes the delicate stomach lining. Third, Digestif™ contains all-natural quercetin that is known to damper inflammation in the stomach and intestinal tract. Fourth and fifth, Digestif™ contains several natural antioxidants known to quench any free radicals present in the GI tract.
We offer Digestif™ at a reduced price of 50 US dollars per 5-bottle package excl. tax, plus shipping. (Retail value = $90). Each bottle contains 60 capsules for an approximate one or two month supply.
Progesterone Benefits For Improved Health:
Progesterone Prevents Excess Growth of Tissues
Many times patients have asked me why they need to use progesterone supplements. I often reply that progesterone (Progest-Max) is unique because it prevents excessive growth of tissues. In men, excessive growth causes the prostate to become enlarges. In women, excessive growth causes endometriosis and unwanted growth of vaginal tissues. Interestingly, the prostate cells in male fetuses and vaginal cells in female fetuses are the same cells. Thus, both cells are nearly identical and can cause similar problems later on in life.
When the body produces excessive amounts of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or estradiol (E2), both cell types become enlarged. In men, this effect is called benign prostate hypoplasia (BPH). A similar hypoplasia effect is found in women.
To curb these adverse effects, it becomes necessary for women to use a special progesterone cream (Progest-Max), 50mg dose, for two weeks only at the end of their menstrual cycles. Men should use about 20 or 30 mg of the cream perianally nightlyto avoid BPH and for better balance of their hormones.
Studies have shown that another significant benefit of progesterone (Progest-Max ) is that it protects the brain from damage caused by blows to the head.
Progest-Max is completely natural and specially formulated without additives that may cause allergies or adverse side effects. Women especially swear by the gentle effects of Progest-Max compared to other prescription or over-the-counter progesterone creams have caused them irritation of delicate tissues or an allergic response.
Using our patented ‘MAX’ nanotechnology, Progest-Max is micronized for rapid absorption through the skin.
We offer wholesale 5-bottle package of Progest-Max for $150 excl. tax, plus shipping. (retail value= $250.00). It comes in an attractive cosmetic 50mg bottle containing 1,700mg of pure and natural progesterone. Please use it only for topical application.
Estrogens stimulates the sympathetic nervous system in women that may cause anxiety and irritability, while progesterone stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which has a calming effect.
Did you know that...:
- one of the psychic complaints of an estrogen deficiency is an increased irritability, esp. as premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?
- women with a long-term progesterone deficiency are more likely to develop breast cancer, breasts and ovarian cysts, and endometriosis?
- physical signs of estrogens and progesterone deficiencies are often opposite signs?
SermMax Spray
A Simple and Basic Fact about the Aging Process Unknown to Many
As the name implies, growth hormone participates with other key hormones to repair and even regenerate the body. Indeed, thanks to very high levels of growth hormone (GH), young people are able to party all night, and their bodies recover quickly the following day or two without injury or aging—a simple and basic fact about the aging process unknown to many!
Given the powerful regenerative effects of GH, the US Congress in its infinite wisdom legislated to forbid all sales of GH except to those who show extreme deficiencies. However, the eminent professor of pharmacology in Florida, Dr. Richard Walker, found a way around this congressional deadlock. He removed the first 29 amino acids from the growth hormone 191-amino-acid chain, and tested the result. He found that this 29-amino-acid segment is nearly as effective as the entire 191 chain! He calls this segment ‘Semorelin.’
We have bottled Semorelin in liquid form in a nasal spray bottle. To aid in absorption in the nasal cavity or under the tongue, we have micronized Semorelin with special ultrasound techniques. We call our fine spray, ‘SermMax’, and we have a limited supply available wholesale to practitioners. SermPro will release from the pituitary gland completely natural GH to the benefit of all organs, cells and tissues throughout the body. In fact, stem cells can only heal by having GH present. Veterinarians use it for rapid healing of their injured and aging animal patients. Using our patented ‘PRO’ nanotechnology, SermMax, is micronized for rapid absorption through the skin, nasal cavity or under the tongue.
We offer SermMax Spray at a reduced price of 29.50 US dollars per bottle package including tax and shipping. (retail value= $49.00) 6ml bottle, 500IU (60 sprays) liquid for nasal, sublingual or topical application.
See also: