Protect Your Brain and Slow Aging

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Protect Your Brain and Slow Aging

Circumvent the Risk of Dementia by Slowing Free Radical Damage


By The NaturalsPro Staff


For centuries, philosophers and medical professionals have documented natural remedies that have positive effects on cognitive function. A sixteenth-century herbalist recorded that some natural substances were “singularly good for the head and brain, and quickens the nerves and memory.” Even a seventeenth-century physician found that natural substances can “heal the memory [while] warming and quickening the senses” (1).


According to government reports, more than 54 million people are over the age of sixty-five in the United States, and more than 6 million will eventually develop a type of dementia called Alzheimer’s. This is a degenerative disease that eats away at the brain and its normal functions (2). Eventually it erases a person’s self-concept and destroys valued relationships between friends and family.


Now, however, there is a way to shield the brain from destruction using a group of strong antioxidants that protect it from damage. What happens to an aging brain? During aging, sufferers of dementia slowly build up plaque that is brightly colored with shades of brown and black. This brown and black sludge is the result of oxidative reactions occurring in the brain as we age (3). This buildup is also seen on the brain’s nerve endings and tangled nerve fibers. Interestingly, CAT scans reveal actual holes in brain tissue as the disease advances. 


According to psychiatrist Berry Reisberg, there are seven stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The first is forgetting where you parked your car or where the front door of your home is located (4). Other consequent stages include forgetting to turn off the water in your bathroom or forgetting to tie your shoelaces. Eventually, you will forget who your spouse is. The brain typically has seven duplicate neural pathways for remembering a function or event, but with expanding holes in brain tissue and plaque buildup on neural endings, all seven of these pathways deteriorate and gradually erase our memories.


What Causes Dementia?


Scientists are still not completely sure what causes dementia and Alzheimer’s. However, in the 1950s, Professor Denham Harman at the University of Omaha, Nebraska, developed an important concept called the free radical theory of aging. Professor Harman had degrees in both chemistry and medicine, and he told me personally that dementia is caused by free radicals damaging brain tissue. Furthermore, he said, “Chemists do not understand medicine, and medical doctors do not understand chemistry, and neither group understands much about free radicals.” Thus, it’s unlikely that these different specialties of science would collaborate and find the true cause of dementia. I agree.


After my many personal contacts with Professor Harman at his AGE scientific meetings, I embarked upon a quest to understand these fields of scientific expertise. For many years, I experimented with lab mice and found that their life spans could be doubled. This quest confirmed Professor Harman’s 1956 publication in which he demonstrated a similar doubling in life span. My 1985 publication revealed healthy and vibrant mice at thirty-six months versus the controls when fed special antioxidants (5). These special antioxidants are contained in ACF228, or my aging control formula 228. My healthy lab mice with black hair and agile brains at thirty-six months did not die of old age with plaques and tangles as had my control mice at twenty-two months. See photo. In other words, not only their life spans but also their quality of life had improved enormously by feeding them a special diet consisting of 3 percent strong antioxidants rather than weak antioxidants such as vitamins E and C.


Professor Harman suggested that most free radicals arose from oxidative reactions occurring in our mitochondria, the energy factories of our cells. These oxidative reactions are necessary for the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which acts as the gasoline of our cells. Thus, we are destined to age and deteriorate as a function of metabolic activity in our cells unless we can protect ourselves. In contrast, trees do not depend upon oxidation in their cells, and thus, some tree species in California and the Middle East are known to live for more than two thousand years.


Can we protect ourselves from oxidizing like these ancient trees? The answer is, unfortunately, no because we are stuck with our oxidative metabolism that provides us with energy in the form of ATP. This simple fact limits our longevity and quality of life. However, there are two new alternatives: We can protect our cells and especially our DNA by ingesting special, powerful antioxidants twice daily. Second, when our DNA is fully protected from oxidation, free radicals, and external radiation, we can regenerate new cells with good copies of our original DNA. This regeneration process will aid us in returning to our youthful selves. Indeed, this is why I wrote the book Stay 40 to help people regenerate and return to their younger selves.


ACF228 Is Fully Tested and Authorized


ACF228 was double-blind tested by medical authorities in Sweden and Italy, who registered the formula as a medical productnot a supplement. You can download the clinical studies leading to these authorizations from the US patent office’s website (click the US patent number 4,695,590).


ACF228’s one pill/one meal protocol reduces oxidative damage, increases mitochondrial efficiency, and slows aging at the cellular level. Anyone following this regimen for one month, along with replacing deficient hormones and nutrition and engaging in moderate exercise, can expect superior blood test scoresachieving values comparable to young people.


You can feel healthier and happier, and your chronological age will begin to diverge from your biological age. I have followed this regimen since 1979, and I maintain that I am biologically at least fifteen to twenty years younger than my chronological age. I have demonstrated these youthful effects in blood tests, urine tests, stress-EKG tests, and in my general physical appearance.


My unique blend of free radical and oxidation quenchers work together to strengthen the body’s natural defenses. They provide a multipronged weapon against the aging process. Click on ACF228 for more information.


Refreshing Our Memories


We can achieve another singular alternative to refreshing our memories by supplementing with pregnenolone (Pregnenolone-Max). This unique hormone is the key to a strong memory, and people lacking it will be forgetful, according to more than a dozen clinical studies (Martin-Garcia, etc. 2005). Second, according to several other clinical studies, anxiety is associated with pregnenolone deficiency (Reddy, 1997). Third, more than three clinical studies have associated a pregnenolone deficiency with Alzheimer’s disease (Weil Engerer, etc. 2002). Fourth, in high doses of approximately 500 mg per day, people have used pregnenolone successfully for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (Freeman, 1950). Last, it has been used to alleviate attention deficit disorder (Morely, 1997). The beneficial research discoveries of pregnenolone have been significant.


How to Best Consume It


The normal secretion of this vital hormone from the adrenal glands is 10 to 50 mg per day. The brain requires large amounts to support memory, and its concentration in the brain is always higher than the blood. Thus, we should supplement it by consuming sustained-release pregnenolone (Pregnenolone-Max) and not take it bolus or all at once in a capsule or tablet. Sustained release means pregnenolone is gradually released into the bloodstream and not all at once. 


Sustained release will maintain good memory and energized thinking throughout the day. In contrast, swallowing it bolus will cause the hormone to metabolize and excrete within a few hours, and we will become deficient again. Thus, I cannot emphasize this point enough: Sustained release is essential for brain health and cognitive function as we age. I strongly recommend combining both sustained release Pregnenolone-Max and ACF228 for improved mental performance especially during aging. 




1.     Perry, N.S. 2007, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 4(4) 419-28.

2.     Evans, D. 1989, Journal of the American Medical Association, Nov 10.

3.     Lippman, R. 2009, Stay 40, Outskirts Press, Denver, CO. 

4.     Reisberg, B. 2004, private communication. 

5.     Lippman, R. 1985, Experimental Gerontology, 20, 1-5.

6.  Martin-Garcia, E. and Pallaris, M. 2005, Neuroscience, 136(4), 1109-19.

7.   Reddy, DS and Kulkami, SK 1997, Methods Fin Exp Clin Pharmacol, Jul-Aug 19(6), 395-405. 

8.   Weil Engerer, S. et al 2002, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, Nov 87(11), 5148-53. 

9.   Freeman, H. et al 1950, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, Dec 10(12), 1523-32.

10. Morely, JE et al 1997, Proc Nat Acad Science USA, Jul 8, 94(14), 7537-42.