By the NaturalsPro Staff
More has been learned about the brain in the last 20 years than in the previous 100
years. For example, any food, nutrient, or drug can be tagged with a radioactive isotope and then followed as the stomach processes it and sends it to its ultimate destination. Molecular biologists, using three-dimensional computer displays and advanced chemical analysis, can illustrate exactly what happens to a vitamin or drug when it reaches the brain or any other organ.
Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scientists can watch the activity in your brain when you are asked a question involving short-term or long-term memory.
Even Scientists Have Memory Problems!
If you were a medical scientist and your memory began to fade, wouldn’t memory
research be particularly interesting to you? For that reason, brain research has attracted the best and most experienced scientists such as my dear friend John Henrickson MD, neurosurgeon. Consequently, new discoveries have come along fast and furiously. One of the most significant findings shows that how we think has to do with what we eat. Like most people, you’ve probably had days when you were mentally slow---what I call “my dumb-down days.” The causes may be what you didn’t eat that day or if you ate junk food instead of brain food.
Animals Forget Due To Their Diet
Test with animals has shown that by withholding certain nutrients from their diets, the
animals forgot tricks they had learned or could not find their way out of a maze that they had easily traversed many times before their diet was changed.
In animals and humans, the natural aging process compounds the problem. Our bodies start a slow deterioration beginning at approximately our mid-twenties. By the time we each 50, we begin to notice the changes because the mechanical efficiency of every organ has dropped.
Interestingly, between 35 and 70 years of age, we lose half of our muscular strength.
Indeed, half of all 70-year-old males cannot rise from an armchair without using their
arms to boost them. This effect is called sarcopenia, and similar processes during aging are also causing our brains and our memories to decline.
Our Stomachs May Tell Us We’re Getting Older
After 35 and especially after 50, the decline accelerates. The first organ that makes us painfully aware that we’re getting older is the stomach because we experience heartburn, acid indigestion, constipation, etc.
Most 20-year-olds can eat voluminous amounts of food of all kinds without the slightest problems. I call this “the farmhand diet” even though most of us do not do heavy labor on farms or construction sites as was the case with our ancestors. These twenty somethings have stomachs and brains operating at high efficiencies.
Seniors Need More And Not Less Nutrients Than Seniors!
No matter whether you have digestion problems or not, many scientists believe that by the age of 50 or 60, your body is only absorbing an estimated one third less nutrients from food than a 20-year-old’s.
Thus, what does that have to do with your memory? A lot, according to scientists. They have found that your brain needs a daily supply of 15 or more essential nutrients in order to operate efficiently. A shortage of any one of those nutrients can affect your memory and mental abilities.
Why Are The Nutrients Not Where They Are Supposed To Be?
Before World War II, farmers used to manure to fertilize crops, but after that era,
chemical fertilizers because the vogue. Manure replaced all the nutrients in the soil, but chemical fertilizers contain only nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous. Enzymes in the soil can only make a limited variety of nutrients from those three chemicals.
Up To 93% of Nutrients Destroyed
A study by the National Food Review Board showed that freezing and recooking food
destroys up to 93% of nutrients in some foods. All the important enzymes are damaged at temperatures above 129° F, which is far blow normal cooking temperatures. Many enzymes help digestion and are a vital necessary in extracting vitamins and minerals from food.
As you can see, eating a balanced diet is absolutely no guarantee that you are getting all vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body and brain need.
Your Brain Uses 50% of Your Energy
Your brain occupies only a small portion of your total body volume, yet it uses over 40% of the energy you produce. If you are tired frequently, you may not be feeding your brain properly.
Also, the brain uses almost 20% of all the oxygen you take in your lungs. Your blood
carries the oxygen to your brain. This is why the condition of your arteries can affect
your memory.
Clogged arteries restrict the flow of the blood and therefore reduce the amount of oxygen that reaches your brain. For many years, scientists have known that reduced oxygen to the brain can cause headaches, depression, ringing in the ears, and memory loss. You may be thinking that because your arteries are probably partially blocked, there’s no hope of correcting the lack of oxygen to your brain. Not true. Researchers have found an uncommon nutrient that increases the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen.
I’ll tell you about this wonder substance, pregnenolone sustained release, shortly.
You Can Relieve Memory and Other Problems of Aging
Researchers believe that over 80% of the population over 60 has some memory problems, and scientists estimate that over 30% of those people will eventually develop senile memory problems, dementia, or Alzheimer’s.
Will your memory problems inevitably get worse? Yes, if you don’t alleviate the causes. Extensive research shows that deficiencies in any one of 12 specific nutrients can cause memory problems. However, research also shows that supplementation of those nutrients can not only stop the deterioration of you memory, but also restore your ability to recall. The brain brings memories from their storage area to your conscious mind with substances called neurotransmitters. They are electrochemical messengers. There are a variety of these messengers that perform other essential tasks along with stimulating your
memory and learning as well as decrease anxiety and lower back pain. The major ones are acetylcholine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. The hormones as DHEA and pregnenolone control these messengers.
Deficiency Reduces Your Intelligence
In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, deficiencies of these messengers and hormones are often in the range of 60% to 90%. Other deficiencies are a direct cause of senility. These deficiencies are be remedied by the all-powerful hormone, pregnenolone. Pregnenolone is the grand precursor of most if not all steroid hormones and messengers. Pregnenolone improves memory; whereas progesterone (another hormone) decreases anxiety. The brain effects of pregnenolone include modulation of brain receptors and their effects on seizure, anxiety, depression, memory, and learning processes. (Flood et al., 1992; Meyer et al., 2002).
Studies in lab animals demonstrated that pregnenolone and DHEA displayed memoryenhancing properties in aged rodents.
Inflammation Protection of Your Nerves and Brain Cells
Furthermore, pregnenolone results in elevations in downstream neurosteroids such as allopregnanolone, a molecule with neuroprotective effects that increases neurogenesis, decreases apoptosis and inflammation, modulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and significantly increases GABA receptor responses.
Neuroscience. 2011 Sep 15;191:78-90. doi: 10.1016/j. neuroscience.2011.06.076. Epub 2011 Jul 1.
Alleviation of Lower Back Pain Study on Vets
Veterans with chronic lower back pain participated in a randomized, double-blind
placebo-controlled clinical trial for 42 months. They were veterans from 18 to 65 years with chronic low back pain. Results showed that they reported significant reductions in low back pain relative to those randomized to placebo.
2020 Mar 2;3(3):e200287.doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.0287.
Protection Against Bone Destruction
Pregnenolone protected mice against inflammatory bone destruction in vivo by
suppressing osteoclast (bone destructive) formation.
Front. Pharmacol., 2020 Mar 27; 11:360. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00360.
eCollection 2020.
We strongly encourage you to purchase pregnenolone, DHEA-Max, and Progest-Max today to protect your brain and body from the effects of aging.