Limiting Aging with SermMax and ReleasingMax

Limiting Aging with SermMax and ReleasingMax



by Dr. Richard Lippman


Recently, my 64-year-old sister invited me to dine at the Tanakas-of-Tokyo restaurant. I knew she needed some medical advice, and thus, she chose a relaxed and private setting where she could pepper me with questions about her latest ailments. After a happy exchange of pleasantries, she intimated to me that she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. She then asked me for both conventional and alternative remedies. In turn, I asked her if she wanted the “one-trick-pony” solution or a more all-inclusive solution that would solve several of her medical problems all at once? She look at me quizzically and asked me to explain the difference between the two. I explained as follows.


Since the early 60s, the FDA has demanded that all symptoms of health problems be solved by only one remedy for each-and-every symptom. This bureaucratic step by the FDA better insures their control of the prescription drug industry, but unfortunately, it is often at odds with Mother Nature who intended some natural remedies to solve more than one problem each.  Thus, one could take the ‘low-tech’ approach to a medical symptom and apply one simple remedy. However, I believe one should try a higher-tech approach and solve many symptoms of aging with one and only one remedy that helps with numerous problems simultaneously. 


Case in point: My dear sister has rheumatoid arthritis accompanied by inflamed tissue around her painful joints. Second, she has cardiovascular disease that continues to clog her arteries and weaken her heart. A one-trick-only solution could be to take chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine which often helps to relieve joint pain and inflammation but does nothing for her cardiovascular problems. On the other hand, a middle-tech solution would be to rebalance her hormones, in particular hydrocortisone and estradiol.


Hydrocortisone slows the action and production of inflammatory agents such as prostaglandins, histamines, and the dilating of blood vessels. This completely natural remedy would achieve a triple benefit: lower the swelling of joints, block inflammatory cells, and improve cardiovascular. And it’s much cheaper to buy from this website than any patented and highly marketed and commercialized drug!


Women who take hydrocortisone (3 to 4 times daily) coupled with non-contraceptive estrogens, i.e. estradiol cream, are SEVEN TIMES LESS LIKELY to get rheumatoid arthritis as well as other inflammatory problems of the cardiovascular system (1).


Second, Dr. John Henrickson states emphatically that a minimum blood level of 60 mg/dl estradiol (E2) is critical for avoiding rheumatoid arthritis. However, E2 must be carefully balanced with progesterone and testosterone (T) for optimal results against a multitude of problems encountered during aging, in particular, a declining libido and wrinkled skin. 


Third, a still higher tech solution is to take IGF-1/hGH (ReleasingMax, SermMax) as long advocated by me and Dr. Thierry Hertoghe. This truly high-tech remedy has the additional benefits of restoring multiple bodily systems progressively damaged by aging. 


In summary, I prefer to use a high-tech solution to solve many medical problems simultaneously instead of a low-tech, one-trick-pony solution that usually solves only one problem. However, I understand that many medical practitioners unfortunately may only be aware of low- or medium-tech solutions for their patients. 


A Further Example of The One-Trick-Pony


Another prominent example of the one-trick-pony is found in the treatment of men with low T. One low-tech treatment is to give them terrestris tribulus capsules twice daily for four days and the testis will naturally produce a significantly higher amount of T. The downside of this simple and inexpensive treatment is that the patient may still remain somewhat T deficient, and thus, continue to suffer from cardiovascular decline accelerated by aging. A middle-tech solution is to take T by way of transdermal creams or injections. 


However, the high-tech solution is to inject twice daily with the above mentioned IGF-1/hGH injection cocktail. This last method activates the testis, and over a period of about 2 and a half years, rejuvenates the testes to produce naturally high levels of T despite losses due to aging. I, myself, increased total testosterone from 240 to 900 mg/dl. Case studies of 70-year-old men deficient in T substantially increased their own natural T production when this cocktail is used daily for a period of three months. 


Now, I turn to Prof. Morgentaler who also advocates T replacement therapy. I was proud to interview him and listen to his informative lectures at recent A4M medical meetings in Las Vegas, Nevada. 


Harvard Researcher Dropped a Bombshell on Anti-Aging Doctors in Las Vegas


Recently, eminent Harvard Professor Abraham Morgentaler surprised everyone at a large crowd of 3,500 doctors in Las Vegas. In collaboration with researchers at the Baylor School of Medicine, Prof. Morgentaler explained that 9 male patients with prostate cancer were treated with T cream, and their cancers either remained unchanged or underwent remission! Some doctors who clung to the 70-year-old myth that testosterone (T) fuels cancer met this bombastic news with skepticism. Prof. Morgentaler countered by explaining that this old myth was based upon only one patient, a eunuch examined by researcher Charles Huggins in 1941. Subsequently, medical authorities have mistakenly believed that T therapy was dangerous. Furthermore, during these unfortunate 70 years of medical mistreatment, men stricken with cancer have been given special synthetic drugs that would further lower their T and consequently increase their risk of cardiovascular disease and grumpy moods. 


Prof. Morgentaler exposed this old T medical myth much as others have exposed other crazy myths. For example, in 1943 researchers determined that the aerobic bacterium E. coli was the dominant bacteria in the intestinal flora. Later in the 90s, researchers discovered that 5 other anaerobic bacteria were more prevalent in the intestinal flora than E. coli. 


Third, until 1995, it was widely believed by the medical establishment that stomach ulcers were caused by stress and smoking. Two Australian researchers discovered in 1987 that the bacterium, H. pylori, caused over 90% of stomach ulcers and perhaps even contributed to stomach cancer. Subsequently, these two Australians received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005 for their discovery.


Perhaps even Prof. Morgentaler will be similarly rewarded in coming years for his historic discovery.


Recent Harvard Research


Prof. Morgentaler made additional disclosures of his recent research. For example, he and his associates have determined that injections of Testosterone-cyprionate lasted only 14 days in the male body - not the 28 days that was previously assumed by many.


Second, he found in his patients who received T that an average of 2.5 lbs. fat was lost while muscle mass increased by 2.5 lbs! This is not a one-trick-pony. Third, he discovered that men with low T and treated with supplemented T had better longevity than untreated low-T men. Also, the men who supplemented with T had almost the same longevity as men who naturally have high levels of T.


Fourth, men with diagnosed prostate cancer and elevated PSA (prostate specific antigen) experienced some remission of cancer and often reduced PSA values when they supplemented with T. Indeed, in the case of an 84-year-old attorney, his PSA declined from 8 to approximately 6 and his cancer cells shrunk and lost metabolic activity.


Fifth, Prof. Morgentaler stated that no 20-something male with extremely high, naturally occurring T have ever reported prostate cancer!


Last, Prof. Morgentaler stated emphatically that as of December 2013 no compelling evidence exists that using T therapy causes increases in men’s PSA scores. 


Prof. Morgentaler has substantially proven that T supplementation is no one-trick-pony when it comes to maintaining male health during aging. Two years ago, I interviewed Prof. Morgentaler (I called him “Abe.”), and I personally thanked him for his brilliant and daring research that has exponentially benefited all aging men. Abe is quite a charming person to meet in person. I applaud him for having the courage to challenge the conventional medical establishment and overturn some entrenched but mistaken ideas.


Dr. Henrickson Presents his own Ideas About Avoiding One-Trick-Ponies


Dr. Henrickson explained that half of his patients over age 70 have no growth hormone and low levels of IGF-1. When they receive supplements of hGH plus IGF-1 (ReleasingMaxSermMax), their backs straighten and shoulder muscles relax; 79% achieve firmer cheeks; their buttocks, penises, and testicles reverse their atrophy; pinching their skin bounces back within 2 seconds; anxiety and fatigue are reduced; recovery after physical activity is much more rapid; and last, depression, low self-esteem, and low sociability all improve. This advanced therapy is definitely not a one-trick-pony either.


Generally speaking, hGH plus IGF-1 have a calming effect upon body and mind, especially if one supplements with large amounts of T. This calming benefit allows aging men to become more determined and resolute and content with their lives as they once were during their youth.


My Quest for a Cutting-Edge Future


These critical hormones and their helper proteins slowly mold and sculpt our bodies to a more youthful appearance and help us maintain a quick, firm, and more resolute-thinking brain. 


My colleagues and I have conducted studies where patients consumed Releasing-Max four times daily. We found that IGF-1 doubles from approximately 70 to 160 (plus or minus 15 ng/ml blood). This 160 level of IGF-1 will direct and sculpt the body to a more youthful appearance, as depicted below.


In conclusion, low-dose, bio-identical hormones or proteins will cause our thinking to become increasingly firm and resolute and make our bodies more shapely and sculpted, even if our daily exercise is marginal.