Hottest Collection of GH Releasers at Wholesale Prices
GROWTH HORMONE RELEASING AGENTS: Wholesale prices are $29.50 per bottle
SermMax™ Spray
A Simple and Basic Fact about the Aging Process Unknown to Many
As the name implies, growth hormone participates with other key hormones to repair and even regenerate the body. Indeed, thanks to very high levels of growth hormone (GH), young people are able to party all night, and their bodies recover quickly the following day or two without injury or aging—a simple and basic fact about the aging process unknown to many!
Given the powerful regenerative effects of GH, the US Congress in its infinite wisdom legislated to forbid all sales of GH except to those who show extreme deficiencies. However, the eminent professor of pharmacology in Florida, Dr. Richard Walker, found a way around this congressional deadlock. He removed the first 29 amino acids from the growth hormone 191-amino-acid chain and tested the result. He found that this 29-amino-acid segment is nearly as effective as the entire 191 chain! He calls this segment ‘Semorelin.’
We have bottled Sermorelin in liquid form in a nasal spray bottle. To aid in absorption in the nasal cavity or under the tongue, we have micronized Semorelin with special ultrasound techniques. We call our fine spray, ‘SermMax™’, and we have a limited supply available wholesale to practitioners. SermMax™ will release from the pituitary gland completely natural GH to the benefit of all organs, cells, and tissues throughout the body. In fact, stem cells can only heal by having GH present. Veterinarians use it for rapid healing of their injured and aging animal patients. Using our patented ‘PRO’ nanotechnology, SermMax™ is micronized for rapid absorption through the skin, nasal cavity or under the tongue.
We offer SermPro™ Spray at a reduced price of 29.50 US dollars per bottle, 6ml bottle, 500IU (60 sprays) liquid for nasal, sublingual or topical application.
ReleasingMax™ Spray
More Punch to Slow Aging
Other growth hormone releasing peptides (GHRPs) are also effective and preferred by other practitioners. For example, our fine spray product, ReleasingMax™, achieves all of the benefits of SermMax™ and more.
ReleasingMax™ Spray contains a mixture of growth hormone releasing peptides that together, synergistically, add more punch to the pituitary gland’s release of natural growth hormone. As an added benefit, the body craves protein-rich foods that aid nutritionally in repairing and rejuvenating damages caused by trauma or aging. (Yes, aging is a type of damage that medical professionals call ‘micro-insults’ that slowly accumulate over the lifespan of an organism until the weakest organ in the body stops functioning and death occurs.) Using our patented ‘PRO’ nanotechnology, ReleasingMax™ Spray is micronized for rapid absorption through the skin, nasal cavity or under the tongue.
We offer ReleasingMax™ Spray at a reduced price when quantities of 10-bottle packages are purchased. ReleasingMax™ is available at $29.50 US dollars bottle, 6ml bottle, 500IU (60 sprays) liquid for nasal, sublingual or topical application.
The FDA has not evaluated these claims. No claims are made to correct or cure a disease. Problems caused by aging are not considered to be diseases. Instead, they are natural processes encountered during aging.